
Harry’s Grand Adventure
Thursday, May 4, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen

“Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy.”
Psalm 126:5 NKJV

Benjamin buried his face in the soft brown fur of Harry Rabbit. His tears soaked the gray felt vest of the stuffed animal. “I was just thinking about some other kids that maybe don’t have any toys to play with.” I sat down to join him on a step he was perched on. “What do you have in mind”

Between sniffles and tears, a pair of blue eyes looked up. “Do you think Mrs. Gentry would be sad if I gave Harry away? Would you be mad, if I gave the detective disguises away that you sewed for him?”

The idea of Ben giving up a much-loved toy, moved my heart and I began to think out loud. “Maybe we could come up with a plan that would take Harry on an adventure.” The sad eyes took on a bit of a sparkle. “What do you mean, an adventure?”

“How would you like to do a little brainstorming with the family and ask for the guidance of God for where He ,would send Harry?”

Gathering around the kitchen table, we thanked God for what we had to offer. Then we discussed plans to organize items to take to a “safe space” house for women and children. It could be fun to have Harry be in charge of a “good news adventure” for a family who might be short on hope.

Harry was joined by some favorite books for kids and delightful things for a mother. Everything was wrapped in a cozy blanket to remind a family that the arms of our Heavenly Father would be wrapped around them. We prayed together for Harry’s adventure of hope with a new family. Then we thanked God for the joy and direction he gave us, to be his servants.

When we made our delivery, the women in charge of the shelter were touched by Harry’s adventure. Benjamin’s tears of sadness, turned to tears of joy, in service to a loving heavenly father.

Take time to look at what you can do with something that you hold dear. Ask God how you might use that on a grand adventure for the sake of the Gospel.

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