
Come Lord Jesus
Monday, May 1, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen

“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all.”
Mark 10:15


“Come Lord Jesus, be our guest. Please help the doctors to do the right thing and make my mommy better. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

My eyes popped open as I quickly glanced across at my five-year-old grandson. I wondered if he had gotten mixed up on what we were praying for. He was still kneeling beside me. Head bowed, hands clasped and eyes closed. His wrinkled brow and pursed lips told me that he was very intent on his prayer. There was probably no mistake. I wondered what my problem was.

Once again, I was struck by how often children lead me in how I need to be coming before God, as well as how I should be thinking and praying.

Of course, we should always ask Jesus to be our guest. What was I thinking? It doesn’t just have to be at the table during a meal or kneeling at our beds at night. Maybe it was time that I paid attention to how I was coming to the Lord in prayer.

“Wow,” I said to the little boy. “That was a very special prayer.”

“Well,” he said. “I was thinking. If we ask God to be our guest when we eat, maybe I should ask Him to be our guest when we are doing other things too. Even though I’m not at the hospital, can He still be a guest there to help people too?”

My goodness, what a springboard for a great discussion! I had no idea that a day of watching grand-children and hospital procedures would take such an unusual turn. From Jesus the guest, to the baby in the manger, to the great healer and the savior; we covered the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It was a day of amazement and grace before the greatest guest of all times.

Oh, that we would have the faith of a child, to pray earnestly to Jesus and ask Him to be our guest at any time or place. Thank you, Father, that you allow the children to come to You and that they lead us.

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