
Will God Give My Money Back?
Saturday, April 1, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
Matt. 5:7-8

It was the usual Sunday morning scramble to get to church and Sunday School. I gave our twin four-year old boys the last-minute things they would need. As we parked the car, I handed each of them a quarter for the offering saying, “put that in your pants pocket so your gift will be safe.

Solemnly clutching the coins, the boys looked at each other and then me as they poked the money deep into their pockets.

Finally, Andy said, “why do we have to put this in the offering?”

His dad responded, “because we are called to help God do His work through the church.”

Thinking hard, Andy had another question. “So, when God is done with this money, will He give it back to me?”

My goodness, those little minds didn’t seem to miss a thing! Looking into the twinkling eyes of my husband, I asked God for His direction in this conversation that had taken an unusual turn.

“The Bible tells us that when we do things to help other people, God is happy because we are being his hands here on earth. You have asked a good question, because you are wondering what happens to the gifts we give to our Heavenly Father.”

I continued, “When we put our money in the offering, food, clothes or medicine can be bought for people who might not have any. Maybe some of those people will come to know Jesus as their Savior, because another person cared enough to give money when they needed help.”

“So, is that like getting back more than we gave?”  Andy was serious.

Nodding my head in amazement, I moved the boys on down the sidewalk. Opening the door to the church, I turned to wait for the two and saw them comparing their hands with each other.

“Do you think God’s hand look like mine or yours?” Andy asked Ben.

Ben responded, “Who gives a care, do they work?”

Lord, thank you for the merciful and pure hearts of children. They have much to teach us. Help us to serve with hands that will work for you.

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Will God Give My Money Back?
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