
Keep on truckin’ out of debt.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen

“The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender.”  Proverbs 22:7 NKJV

“$27,000!”  Both of our boys gasped in disbelief.

“Dad,” Andy flatly stated, “you could have bought a brand-new four-wheel drive pick-up for that amount of money.” His brother groaned and shook his head in sad agreement.

Living out in the country was certainly a situation for a four-wheel drive truck. Having a wood burning stove plus opportunities to hunt and fish added to the need. Because of finances, we had been making do with a fourteen-year old, two-wheel drive truck.

There was a Women’s Financial Workshop sponsored by our local County Extension office I had been participating in. The current assignment was to figure the total amount of interest we had paid to date, on our home mortgage and discuss that with the family. That total of $27,000 was more than a year’s salary at that time.

The four of us sat at the table and looked at each other. We decided it would be a good time to pray for God’s direction. Each person took a turn to praise and thank God, then ask for guidance in financial matters.

The plan we came up with involved several aspects. First, we would tithe. Next, we would look at budgeting our resources and limit credit card use. Finally, we would check into lower interest rate loans. We looked up what Scripture had to say about money and debt.

Over time, we looked for opportunities where we saw the Lord’s leading to tithe and add offerings. After church giving, there were regular commitments. Other times it was anonymous gifts.  We learned to save money in order to make money. There were ways we made extra money. We learned how to plug into better loan sources. It took a number of years to pay off the mortgage, but we did it together! We had a family red plate supper to celebrate the milestone.

Interestingly, the old truck served us well for nearly thirty years. We always found a better place to use extra money.

In times of financial challenge, be encouraged to tithe and seek God’s guidance. Be committed, work together and rejoice in sound direction from the best resource of all, the Bible.

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