Selma’s Gift
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen
“Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” I Timothy 6:18.
The tables fell silent as I picked up the unusual package. My best friend from childhood was listing the bridal shower gifts as they were opened. Peggy looked thoughtfully at me.
Glancing over the group of farm and ranch women who had supported me growing up, I found whom I was looking for. I called out to Selma, who blushed in embarrassment and smoothed the well-worn scarf on her head with large, gnarled hands. She focused on the bouquet of daffodils in the center of table.
“Selma, this is so thoughtful of you,” I said, while I unknotted the pieces of string that held well used Christmas wrapping paper onto a long object.
“You know how much I like to bake. I shall always think of you when I am rolling out cinnamon rolls. I’ll even save this string so I can cut the rolls into pieces like you taught us to do at my mom’s table. I will always treasure this special gift from a dear lady. Thank you.”
Selma’s life was not easy. Born into an immigrant family, she not only had learning disabilities and a labored gait, but a harsh sounding voice and a speech impediment. She lived on a small farm with two brothers and got by on next to nothing. They had no telephone and if she wanted to visit, she would walk miles to see a neighbor. Tears weld up in my eyes, and there was hardly a face that did not have tears glistening on their cheeks, as ladies reached out to Selma.
This dear neighbor was so giving with the little she had. What a blessing indeed, to be graced by the lesson of God’s generosity through one of his precious children.
Father, help us to be ever mindful of what we can do for those that you have placed in our life. Help us to be generous, not only material things, but most of all in matters of the heart and spirit. As we remember how you shared the gift of eternal life through your only Son, Jesus Christ, may we share that with those in our lives.
Patricia Dagenhart From Denton, montana At 1/2/2024 11:47:10 AM
love this, Deb...you truly are a gift yourself,,,reading much of your work, hugs galore my sweet friend.Reply by: Welcoming Words
Awww Pat, thank you for your fine words. What a delight to get your comment. You are a peach.Previous Posts
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