
Welcoming Words Newsletter
Saturday, July 1, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen

Well hello there! The good news for today is: Welcoming Words make a difference in what we say. Consider the ordinary tube of toothpaste as we prepare to use it in our mouths. Imagine yourself holding the tube. Unscrew the cover. Instead of using the paste on a toothbrush, place the open tube over the counter. Squeeze a one-inch line of toothpaste on the counter top.  Next, imagine yourself attempting to put the strip of toothpaste back into the tube. Are you kidding me? Refill squeezed out toothpaste back into a squished tube? A goofy thought that actually would be impossible.

That is not unlike us, squeezing unfortunate words out of our mind, over our lips. We can’t take back the words once they are said. A better solution would be, make sure we are careful with the words we do say. Like the old saying; “Think before you talk.”

Today’s Focus: Words make a lasting impression. As crazy as this imagined exercise is, let’s apply it to words. Like toothpaste squeezed from a tube; words that are breathed, schmoozed or shot out of our lips, can never be replaced into the mouth of the speaker. Good, bad or otherwise they are out over the air waves, never to be recovered. Once words are delivered, they have the power to make friends or enemies. Words can encourage, enrage or destroy others. Perhaps our daily word usage could start with encouraging statements to ourselves. 

There is a saying: “Hurt people, hurt people.” When we are hurting, too often we lash out at others. Let’s consider a statement revision: “Encouraged people, encourage people.”

When we feel encouraged, we are moved to put a more positive spin on anything that happens around us. Filling our heart and mind with uplifting thoughts and actions, moves us to step up and do the next right thing. A ripple effect very often occurs. Others are then motivated to step up and do the next right thing.

Application: Daily we can guard our minds against negative assaults and responses if we choose to do so. Before getting out of bed in the morning, take a few minutes to pause and consider what we have to be thankful for as we approach the day ahead. Utilize verses of Scripture that give positive truth and meaning to your life. Visualize yourself putting on the full armor of God and that you will be protected. Move into the day with the calm assurance that the Creator of the universe has a good plan for your day. Listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and step into the opportunities  that await you.

Why is matters:  Words of hope and encouragement move all of us forward. When we hear from others that we have made a difference and are appreciated, we find ourselves wanting to do more. On the other hand, letting people know that they have made a difference in our life, is a seed of encouragement that can blossom into a garden of hope and good works. It can bring us together to produce more than we could have ever done by ourselves. Working together by using words of welcome, can indeed change lives, that change lives

Contact:  Debbie Sorensen at [email protected]


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