
Welcoming Words Newsletter
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen

Well hello there! The good news for today is:  Welcoming Words can encourage a spirit of generosity. According to Webster, generosity is defined as liberality in spirit or act; a liberality in giving. Now, that is something to think about in these days, when so many folks are only concerned about what they might get for their personal benefit. It seems like the opposite of what the world around us is all about. Generous living definitely is worth exploring. The results, could very well lead, to a full and happy life. A life of peace and contentment.

Today’s focus: Think about a person who has given generously to you through words  of encouragement and hope. How did they say something to you that lifted your spirits? Was there something in the tone of their voice that caused you to know they were sincere? Did they take time to make you feel like you were important to them? Were they young or old? Did that matter?

To think about being generous, really means thinking of others first. It’s a very natural reaction for us to think of ourselves before anyone else. However, if we begin to consider the benefits of generosity, we may find interesting and worthwhile reasons to look beyond ourselves. It helps to take time to consider what has happened in our lives, this very day. It’s ok to be quiet and recognize where we have received generosity. Also, we can ponder how we can extend generosity.

Application: Start out basic and simple. Look at what is going on around you. A friend texted me yesterday wanting a rhubarb cake recipe I had served at a gathering. I was amazed and delighted that she had reached out to me. Simple words that made me feel like I had served something a great chef had created. Later that afternoon, I heard a noise out in my front yard. When I checked, a neighbor was weed-eating around my sidewalk. He said he was just needing some exercise. I knew was cared about. 

Follow that up with a little neighbor girl who had kicked a ball over my back fence. When I threw it back to her, she responded: “You’re pretty strong for an old lady.”  Not only did I laugh with her, but I was happy she saw I was strong enough to throw that ball. (Her mother was another story. I was able to encourage the mom, that as a grandmother, I could interpret the inferred meaning from her precocious daughter.) 

Why it matters: Generosity begins with the use of fine words that encourage others. When we give and receive freely with words, that can lead to changes in our attitudes, behaviors and actions. Being generous with good words to ourselves, encourages us to become kinder and more truthful. That in turn moves us to extend grace and mercy to others. With changes in our personal beliefs, we can be more willing to make the most of opportunities to reach out to others around us with genuine generosity and caring.

The results of generous living are the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. The bottom line, living a life of generosity is one where hope abounds. The opportunity to change lives, that change lives, is endless. 

Contact: Debbie Sorensen at [email protected]

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