
Welcoming Words Newsletter November 2023
Sunday, November 5, 2023 by Debbie Sorensen

Welcoming Words Newsletter

By Debbie Sorensen


November  2023


Well hello there! The good news for today is: Welcoming Words can pave the way to express gratitude. Cultivate the habit of looking for actions which deserve thanks. Never underestimate the power of sincere appreciation. Be on the lookout for a way to express real gratitude.


Today’s Focus:  Start with a simple, personal activity you can engage in. Reach out to your family or co-workers. Look forward to surprising another with an unexpected statement. It could be something as mundane as, “Tell me about the best part of your day.” An open-ended question, might bring up ways to resolve a discouraging situation.  Be thoughtful and inquire, “What could have made that project turn out even better?” Good words can be discussion starters. We have no way of knowing what type of a burden another person is facing. A warm voice, could be a life-saver to a person, who is being pulled down by the undertow of difficult circumstances.  


After making a statement, or asking a question, be prepared to listen. Give the person you are with, your attention and your time. Make eye contact in an engaging way. If you need to practice a pleasant expression, look for a friend to try it out on. Working together, can have fun moments, which result in delight and encouragement. Thanksgiving and gratitude go hand and hand. We can show people we care, with actions and not just words.


Application: Chance encounters in a store aisle or a parking lot have a wealth of opportunities to practice. If we are stretching to reach an overhead item, we might nicely ask for assistance from a passer-by. Be sure to thank them. Be a champion in the parking lot. If someone smiles, smile back. Give a pleasant, “Thanks for your encouragement.” Keep your eyes peeled, for ways to thank hard working staff and compliment them on the service they perform for the public. 


I’ve heard the quip, “Life’s a jungle.” There are days I agree with that. We never know what might be waiting to ambush us. On the other hand, we don’t know what others have just come through. Gratitude is a way we can change how we continue our journey. Choosing to respond in a healthy manner can become an example. Together we might just spark a chain reaction for gratitude and appreciation. Start with small reasons to be thankful. Sincere gestures, nature, life, food, kindness. Watch it grow. Think of those tiny sponge figures that grow, when water is added.


Why it matters:  Words have become weapons in our world. It’s time that we make a change for what is good and right. Each one of us can become a change agent by using fine words of truth and power. The Psalms tell us, “words rightly spoken encourage people,” Such words, bring thankfulness into the darkness that surrounds us. Become thankful people. Watch how words of gratitude and thanksgiving grow within us. Before long, personal habits will begin to change. Those around us will be pouring words of gratitude, upon other needy “sponges.”  When we use welcoming words to water other thirsty spirits, we can indeed change lives, that change lives. 


Contact:  Debbie Sorensen at [email protected]

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