
Newsletter March 2024
Thursday, June 20, 2024 by Debbie Sorensen

Welcoming Words Newsletter    March 2024


By Debbie Sorensen




Today’s Focus:  Have you ever gone through a dry spell in your life? When your creative juices ran out and you came up empty when trying to move forward? There was just no inspiration to be found to keep going.

It is safe to say, everyone goes through this misery at some point in their life. The question then becomes, how do we proceed from down in the dumps to the genius of finding out the next step forward?

Thomas Edison said: “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”

The bottom line is, that you can achieve things primarily through hard work rather than just having creative ideas. However, we must be willing to put in the time and effort required to make something happen.

Application: Here are three steps that can help you be inspired.

1.)   Surround yourself with people who problem-solve and make a difference.

2.)   Plan to help others succeed. Look for ways to collaborate and move forward.

3.)   Find joy in your journey together. Make a point to be thankful and have fun.

Why it matters:  Inspiration can result when we focus on things that seem little, but end up being the building blocks for something far bigger. We must learn to keep the end goal in sight so that when we go through dry spells, we know why we are doing what we are doing.


A good way to keep moving forward is to have people around us who will hold us accountable. This means they will ask us hard questions, challenge us to stay on task, and cheer us on. 


The Bible tells us that 2 people are stronger than a single person. When we come together with a specific purpose, we perform better, grow, and are inspired to be more than we could be by ourselves.


Inspiration paves the way for genius to grow. Perspiration waters the seeds of ideas that can blossom into rich results.



Contact:  Debbie Sorensen at [email protected]

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