
July 20024 Newsletter
Friday, July 19, 2024 by Debbie Sorensen

Welcoming Words Newsletter   July 2024

By Debbie Sorensen



Today’s Focus:  A modern-day Good Samaritan.

As I write, I am in a pleasant motel in Christmas, Michigan on the south shore of Lake Superior. A long time ago, I tried to imagine what it would be like, to have the opportunity to see that huge body of water, prominently displayed on the pages of my geography book. Minnesota and Michigan were a world away from our one-room country school in the Highwood Mountains of Montana.

Now, over six decades later, I am in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan! However, I’m in a bit of a pickle. When I pulled into the motel parking lot two days ago, I hit a big, decorative rock and knocked a hole in the radiator. I was embarrassed and ashamed of my situation and could not believe I hadn’t paid better attention.


My traveling companion and I are each seventy-two years old, not mechanics, and are learning more about prayer. 

We were thankful to not be stuck on the road and that we had cell phones. Also, we could pray. I called AAA for a tow and directions to a service station. Good idea. However, in a rather remote area and in a July 4th holiday week, options began to fall one after the other. No one was available. Period. But we could give thanks for what would come.

The motel staff was sympathetic and did their best to offer solutions. Distant mechanics and family offered thoughts and directions. One of the motel clerks offered to loan us the use of her car if we needed area transportation. Can you imagine that? What amazing encouragement.

Area service stations were all booked at least two weeks out and would have to order a new radiator from somewhere. Dead end after dead end emerged. Motel rooms were nearly non-existent because of the holiday week and summer traffic. It seemed like we were looking at a two-week stay as we awaited repairs.

What do you know? The husband of my friend decided he would purchase a new radiator, bring a trunk full of tools, and drive eight hours to Michigan UP from central Minnesota.  He would simply get the job done after he made the drive. The next morning, he was up at 5:30 and worked for the next six hours in the motel parking lot replacing the radiator. We rejoiced as the new replaced the old with screws and bolts getting back to where they belonged.

We were happy to get back on the road again. As former residents of the Duluth area, my friends thought we should make a quick stop in the harbor area for a mini-tour. I was thrilled. To see the iconic water body, I had gazed upon as a child, in a school book was an amazing gift. We arrived at their home after a ten journey and went straight to bed.

What an amazing fella! To think this retired pastor not only cared for broken people but worked wonders on broken vehicles as well. Through it all, he maintained a sense of humor and encouragement we all benefited from. Yes, he was a modern-day good Samaritan, indeed.

Why it matters:  

Life is not simple. Sometimes circumstances arise that are embarrassing and humbling. An attitude of thankful appreciation and gratitude can keep us looking up and moving forward. I had an uncle who once told me, “The best thing you can do for a friend is to allow him to do you a favor.” Take time to think about the possibilities of those words.

Appreciate each opportunity you have. If you are blessed by a Good Samaritan, be thankful. Then look for your chance to pass the blessing along. Your turn will come. Don’t miss it.


Contact:  Debbie Sorensen at [email protected]


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